Waterdrop Wasserhahn Wasserfilter System Edelstahl FC-06 - Waterdrop Germany
Waterdrop Wasserhahn Wasserfilter System Edelstahl FC-06 - Waterdrop Germany
Waterdrop Wasserhahn Wasserfilter System Edelstahl FC-06 - Waterdrop Germany
Waterdrop Wasserhahn Wasserfilter System Edelstahl FC-06 - Waterdrop Germany

Waterdrop Wasserhahn Wasserfilter System Edelstahl FC-06

Model: WD-FC-06
stainless steel kitchen faucet water filter
Normale prijs
Verkoopprijs €39,98 Normale prijs
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  • Hauptmerkmal
    • Our stainless-steel water purifier faucet with the activated carbon block has high performance of chlorine reduction and adopts mineralization filtration media, adding more mineral elements.
    • The tap water filter system provides a high flow rate of 0.5gpm and you can enjoy our product for 3 months or 320 gallons of water.
    • The faucet water filter system uses 304 food-grade stainless-steel and comes with a 360-degree swivel angle function.
    • We provide multiple tools and functional parts to ensure that our product fits most faucets.
    • [Compare] Click here to compare our faucet filtration systems.
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Waterdrop Wasserhahn Wasserfilter System Edelstahl FC-06

Normale prijs
Verkoopprijs €39,98 Normale prijs
System Model No.
Replacement Model No.
Rated Capacity
 3 months or 320 gallons
Rated flow
0.5 gpm/2 lpm
Operating Temperature
Operating Working Pressure
15-100 psi/100-689 kpa
Kitchen faucet water filtration systems offer an affordable way of drinking fresh and healthy water. They have a good performance on harmful substances reduction and need only 4 steps to install it on your original faucets. Tap water purifier is also eco-friendly as it can help save thousands of bottled waters a year, which is beneficial for the environment sustainable development. Unlike other filter systems, kitchen faucet water filter doesn’t need electricity to work.
The Benefits of Faucet Water Filters
There are many benefits to using a tap water purifier.
Good filtration performance
With the filtration membrane and activated carbon block, the drinking water purifier can block many contaminants that might cause harmful influence to your health.
Easy to install.
Comparing to the traditional filter system with tank, the faucet attached water filter is easy to install but also possess good filtration ability. Reading the instruction, it’s able to install in a short time.
Reduce chlorine
Carbon is one of the most effective materials to reduce chlorine in the municipal tap water. There are potentially harmful effects of chlorine in water such as congenital abnormalities, food allergies, unpleasant taste and smell, which leads to some diseases to your body.
Promote the taste and odor
Water filter purifier faucet can help to improve the taste and reduce unpleasant odor. If you are looking forward to crisp water, please try our stainless steel kitchen faucet.
Bottled waters may cause huge negative influence on environmental sustainability. If you would like to drink healthy and fresh water, use water filter for sink faucet that benefits the earth a lot.
Long-lasting service life.
Depending on different types of the faucet attached water filter, service life might have tiny difference. Take WD-FC-06 for example, customers only need to change a new one every 3months or 320 gallons of filtered water.
Waterdrop FC-06 Water Faucet Filtration System
The Waterdrop Water Faucet Filtration System is a great ways to ensure the safety of your drinking water. All you have to do is screwing it on to the end of a faucet in your kitchen or bathroom, and its efficient filter does the rest.
Our stainless steel faucet adopts activated carbon block made of Sri Lankan coconut shell, reducing chlorine, suspended solids, bad taste and odor. FC-06 also uses mineralization filtration media that adds in a lot of beneficial minerals to your drinking water. Also, the faucet used food-grade materials. Please feel free to make an order.
The Waterdrop water filter for sink faucet has a sleek look. It delivers water that is clean, crisp, and refreshing. Its filter is rated for 320 gallons, which is about three months of use for an average user.
Once installed, the Waterdrop stainless steel sink faucet provides an outlet for tap water and another outlet for filtered water. With the water running, simply turn the water switch, and filtered water will begin to flow from the outlet.
Overall, this product comes highly recommended. Waterdrop has taken a simple and effective design and perfected it. It’s super-easy to install, is built for durability, and filters water efficiently. Plus, it has an economical price.

What is a good faucet water filter?

Quality and safe water purifier faucet should be tested and certified against ANSI standards. When we consider an excellent drinking water faucet, the first thing is probably the filtration performance. The faucet should not only have the activated carbon block but also the mineralization filtration media. Using advanced activated carbon from Sri Lanka, the water purifier faucet could efficiently reduce chlorine and promote the taste. The mineralization filtration media adds in beneficial minerals to your water, which benefits your health. Moreover, fast and stable water flow directly influence customers’ operating experience. The good product in the market can reach 0.5gpm which means it’s possible to get a cup of water in 6 second. Last but not least, fitting your original faucets is absolutely important. The tap water purifier should be easy to install and fits most faucets.

Do faucet water filters really work?

If you feel frustrated with your drinking water safety, it’s necessary to purchase a tap water filter system. With the development of technology, tap water purifier can reduce many types of harmful substances including but not limited sediment, rust, chlorine, heavy metals and other contaminants. Don’t worry, it’s not hard to install within a few steps.

How long do stainless steel faucet water filters last?

Our products provide a long-lasting service life. You can enjoy our product for 3 months or 320 gallons of filtered water.

What types of faucets does a water filtration system fit?

Just follow our guides. It has never been easier to install a tap water filter system. We provide multiple tools and functional parts to ensure that our product fits most faucets. Remember to double-check our installation kit to confirm that it will work with your faucet. Do not fit pull-out, hand-held, spray style faucets or faucets with sensor.

How to install your water faucet filtration system?

Just follow our guides. First, take out the water purifier faucet and adapters (A3/A5) and twist off the filter base anticlockwise. Keep the water outlet hole of the filter downward and put the filter on the filter base. Second, twist on the filter base clockwise. Next, remove the aerator of the faucet and choose the right adapter to match your faucet threading. Last, switch the lever to the level position and run water through the system slightly. Flush it for 3 minutes during the first use.

Why does water leak between the mounting base and the faucet?

Remove the drinking water purifier from the faucet and check on whether the O-ring at the connection is placed correctly. Ensure that the thread between the faucet and the filtration system is screwed in firmly so that the O-ring can work.

Why does the filtered water run slowly?

The water pressure is too low or the kitchen faucet water filter is clogged. Please check on whether the water pressure of the pipeline is normal, or replace the filter.
Space-saving design
Long-lasting Life
You can enjoy our stainless kitchen faucet for 3 months or 320 gallons of water.
Incompatible Type
Our products fit standard faucets. Do not fit pull-out, hand-held, spray-style faucets or faucets with sensor.
Easy installation
360-degree Swivel Angle
Waterdrop faucet water filter system has a 360-degree swivel angle function, which lets you set it up and enjoy your water conveniently at any angle.
Strong Stainless Steel
Uses 304 food-grade stainless-steel housing that is more durable and has a great resistance to water pressure than plastic housing. The selected stainless-steel housing also ensures that there is no cracking or water leakage.
  • Leak-free
  • Crack-free
Selected material
Easy installation
Fast Flow Rate
This faucet water filter system provides a high flow rate of 0.5 gpm, which is fast and stable. You can get a cup of water in just 6 seconds.
Easy Switch
Tap water and quality filtered water can be easily changed in one second.
Selected material
Easy installation
Easy to Install
  • Male threaded - 15/16" or M18.5.
  • Female threaded - 55/64”.
  • Before purchase, screw aerator & check faucet type.
  • If your adapter model is not listed here, please contact our customer service team.
Your Purchase, Your Love
Invest in sustainability, lasting clean water, and improved health for children and their families.
Selected material

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