Waterdrop G2 Umkehrosmoseanlage für Zuhause - Waterdrop Germany
Waterdrop G2 Umkehrosmoseanlage für Zuhause - Waterdrop Germany
Waterdrop G2 Umkehrosmoseanlage für Zuhause - Waterdrop Germany
Waterdrop G2 Umkehrosmoseanlage für Zuhause - Waterdrop Germany

Waterdrop G2 Umkehrosmoseanlage für Zuhause

Precio regular
Precio de venta €299,99 Precio regular
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  • Hauptmerkmal
    • Waterdrop G2 tankless reverse osmosis system reduces total dissolved solids in your water.
    • The composite integrated filters instantly filters water to deliver a continuous supply when you need it.
    • The tankless design ensures the safety of your drinking water and saves over under-sink storage space.
    • The fast water flow rate of 400 GPD, saving over 300% of water and resulting in a 1:1 drain ratio.
    • The advanced integrated design of the electrical and water circuits reduces leakage.
    • The lead-free faucet is made of food grade copper-zinc alloy with a brushed nickel plating.
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Waterdrop G2 Umkehrosmoseanlage für Zuhause

Precio regular
Precio de venta €299,99 Precio regular
Model number
Item weight
 20.94 pounds
System cover: BPA-free plastic
Faucet: metal
MRO filter: reverse osmosis membrane & activated carbon block
CF filter: sediment PP membrane & activated carbon block
Power cord length
59 inches
Product dimensions
17.7×5.9×13.9 inches
Item Model Number
White & Black
Components Included
 System cover, MRO filter, CF filter, brushed nickel faucet, feed water adapter, PE tubing *3 ( 60" ), drain saddle, lock clips, teflon tape, main power cable ( 59" ) 
Flow rate
400 gallons per day (GPD)
Indoor or outdoor use
Indoor use only
Usage conditions
Ice machines, Faucets, Aquariums, RVs, Well water
*If you use well water as the source, please ensure that the feed water is pre-filtered.
An electrical outlet is required to operate the RO system.
Reduction substances:
TDS, chlorine, taste and odor, chloramine, scale, turbidity.
Carcinogens: chromium (hexavalent), chromium (trivalent), cadmium and cadmium compounds, ferric oxide.
Heavy metals: lead, mercury, barium, copper, radium 226/228, aluminum.
Microorganic contaminants: cysts.
Inorganic pollutants: arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds, fluoride.
Organic pollutants: asbestos, benzene, formaldehyde, trichloromethane, chlordane, PFOA & PFOS, etc.
Waterdrop G2 tankless reverse osmosis water filtration system, one of the latest products launched last year, is a water filter system dedicated to meet your urgent need for good contamination reduction rate with a fast water flow. RO, the abbreviation of reverse osmosis, is a “superstar” technology employed in water purification systems, where partially permeable membrane is used. And we are striving for excellence to deliver the right water purifier for you. We have a series of drinking water filtration system. Let me tell you why choosing Waterdrop tankless reverse osmosis system is a wise decision you will make!
For decades, we drink water directly from the faucet with no awareness of the fact that some substances in taping water are harmful to our health. Lead, for a start, is a toxic metal that comes from the pipe lines in almost every American household. Drinking lead-tainted water can lead to many problems. Once absorbed, lead will be stored in our bones as a continual internal exposure, waiting to be released as our bones demineralize. This may result in people getting possible health risks like high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases. Children under age 3 is extremely vulnerable to it. Luckily, our ro water purifier is NSF 372 certified for lead-free material, effectively cutting off lead exposure from root. The system also got NSF 58 claim to reduce over 90% of TDS after complete flushing, another main impurity we aim to conquer. TDS, standing for total dissolved solid, effects taste and odor of water if its level is exceedingly high. Removing TDS can give you a pure water free from unpleasant taste and odor. This is the reverse osmosis system you can ever have!
Besides all the certifications, Waterdrop tankless RO system uses composite ro water filter. This original move brings about excellent performance in filtration. The five-stage filtration of the home reverse osmosis water filtration system is achieved by combining multiple under sink water filter materials into the whole undersink water filter.
Water first goes through a pre-sediment PP membrane and a carbon block filter. The high-precision activated carbon block is made from natural coconut shell, the pore of the activated carbon block in which is much higher than that in other forms. After running through another sediment membrane for additional impurities rejection, water will face a reverse osmosis membrane, to reduce 90% of TDS and most heavy metals like arsenic and mercury. The efficiency equals more than three stages of filtration. Using ro membrane will give you an extra benefit—you don’t have to replace filters that frequently! The reverse osmosis filter can bring you so much convenience! With the last step of filtration through a secondary activated carbon block finished—mission accomplished! Any particles larger than 0.0001 μm will be filtered out. Most contaminants are blocked outside. There, a cup of water that is pure, healthy, absent of taste, odor and color is right in front of you.
This is what we give you—the reverse osmosis water. Bon appetit! Get you a water filtration system for home because this is the home water filter using the ro filter!
Waterdrop G2 RO system is an all-in-one, intelligent water purification system with many innovative designs. Our under sink reverse osmosis is designed to be tankless, leaving out the gigantic and ugly reverse osmosis water tanks used often in conventional water treatment systems. And this smaller and more compact reverse osmosis system can be easily put under the sink while saving more storage than its conventional counterparts, and this new water filter reverse osmosis also helps you avoid secondary pollution. This is the water filter systems for home! This tankless reverse osmosis water filtration ranks high on the home water filtration system list. Another innovative design is the internal pump, which is used for raising water pressure, and with the application of composite filter elements, the water flow of the under-sink water filter can reach to 400 GPD (gallons per day). This literally means you can get a cup of filtered water in just 12 seconds. The traditional RO system, however, filters water more slowly and stores water in the reverse osmosis tank, which may cause secondary contamination and therefore cannot meet the goal of producing purified water. This quick water purification process and tankless design meet the need of your whole family and even small companies for a purer ro water.
Besides this, Waterdrop RO system is environmentally friendly, as it saves water waste by 300% compared with traditional home water filtration system. The waste water ratio is 1:1. There are complaints about reverse osmosis water system filtering more waste water than filtered water, but with our product, we free you from this worry. And waste water is by no mean a waste. Instead, you can use your innovation to use this water to flop floor, clean yard, or even wash car. Of course, this will also save you money on water bills. It kills two birds with one stone! Another advantage of buying our tankless RO system is its simple installation. It’s normal to look at countless components, having no clues about how to put them together to become one machine, let alone an enormous pure water filter such as this. But please don’t worry about that. Our filtered water dispenser is designed to be easy-to-install. Within just a few minutes, the under-sink water filtration systems can be installed and put to use. But make sure that once the installation is finished, the first step is to turn on the faucet and flush the system for about half an hour. The light on the faucet will flash blue during this period time. Wait till it stops, and then you can start to use the system and enjoy the excellent water filtration. Water filter replacement is another advantage. Reverse osmosis filter replacement is also quite simple, as it can be changed with one single turn.
All in all, Waterdrop promises to give you the right home water filtration system possible, so that you and your family members can enjoy the great-tasting, pure, and healthy water. We regard having healthy drinking water as one of the most important human rights, and customers need is paramount, and we value your reverse osmosis system reviews as these are what makes us see where our problems lie and ways to help us progress! We are here to deliver the right water filtration system!

How to change tankless reverse osmosis filters?

¼ left turn to take the filter out. Install a new filter and ¼ right turn.

What is the PH of reverse osmosis water?

Reverse osmosis water has a pH around the 6.5.

Is this reverse osmosis water filter system unit suitable for well water?

We do not recommend using well water as source for our RO systems.
The reasons are as follows:
1. Large particles.
Compared to municipal tap water, the well water is rich of large particles, which will clog the filters easily, and shorten their lifetime significantly.Please note that the filters will still need to be replaced more frequently, even if you have added a pre-filtration system.
2. Composition
The well water has very complicated compostion, and some of them (apart from the large particles) can cause the filter or internal valve to be clogged and prevent the RO system from normal performance.
3. Water pressure
The well water may not provide the feed water pressure that the RO system requires (14.5 psi min.). Furthermore, the water pressure will be even lower after passing through pre-filtration systems.

Why is my tankless reverse osmosis system slow?

If you forget to change your water filters, with time your system will produce less and less water. Clogged or fouled water filters is the most common cause for a slow flow.

Is reverse osmosis water bad for you?

The process of reverse osmosis does not make water unhealthy in any way. Rather, the purification benefits may protect you from many water-borne contaminants.

What is the disadvantage of RO water?

One of the major disadvantages of RO systems for the home is that they remove most of the minerals from the water leaving it with an acidic PH. Also, during the purification process, there is waste water into your drain pipe.

Is it safe to drink RO water?

Yes. Reverse osmosis water filter reduces many contaminants from your drinking water.

Does tankless reverse osmosis kill viruses?

A reverse osmosis system will remove harmful viruses and bacteria whose diameter is greater than 0.0001 μm from the source water.

Can tankless reverse osmosis remove viruses?

A reverse osmosis system will remove harmful viruses and bacteria whose diameter is greater than 0.0001 μm from the source water.

What is left in the water after a reverse osmosis process?

Reverse osmosis does not remove everything. Most contaminants are removed in most cases when passed through an RO membrane but there are much smaller things can sometimes still be in the water after the process

Which is the best water purifier for hard water?

Water softeners would be a better option when it comes to hard water since they work better with hard water than any other type of water purification system.

Would this system filter sodium out of my well water?

As a benefit of the RO membrane (filtration accuracy: 0.0001μm), this product is able to reduce the sodium from the source water.

Can this tankless reverse osmosis system remove fluoride and hormones?

As a benefit of the RO membrane (filtration accuracy: 0.0001μm), this product is able to reduce fluoride and hormones from the source water.

Can this RO filter be used with hard water?

Yes, this machine can be used with hard water, and the TDS reduction rate will be 90% and above after complete flushing. But we do not recommend using it as a source for the RO system directly.

What type of material is the faucet?

This model (WD-G2-W) comes with a brushed nickel faucet as default. The lead-free faucet is made of food grade copper-zinc alloy, and a brushed nickel plating is applied to its surface.

What is the waste water to filtered water ratio?

The waste to filtered water ratio is 1:1, which is much higher than the traditional RO systems.

Could I buy Waterdrop tankless reverse osmosis system on amazon?

Your can buy from Amazon store Waterdrop Direct.

Does Waterdrop have tankless reverse osmosis system with remineralization?

Yes. We have.

Tankless vs tank reverse osmosis system

Tank reverse osmosis system holds reverse osmosis water so you have plenty to use when you need it. A traditional tank reverse osmosis system makes water slowly. It takes one minute to produce two to three ounces of RO water. If you were to turn on your faucet for a glass of water at the actual membrane production rate, then you would have to wait at least 5 minutes for it to fill. Waterdrop tankless reverse osmosis system has overcome the issue of bacteria colonizing in the bladder tank. With no storage tank to fill, Waterdrop tankless reverse osmosis system does not run until RO water is needed.

Can I use our own faucet?

Truly sorry, the brushed nickel faucet is the only option available now.
You could use your own RO faucet with our product, but not normal faucet for tap water.
There are a few things you may need to know before purchasing one:
Firstly, our faucet is equipped with a filter life indicator, which allows you to monitor the filters' life easily. If you decide not to use our original faucet, this function will not be in effect.
Secondly, your RO faucet should be able to connect with the outlet tubing of the system, which has a diameter of 1/4".
In addition, it should have a "Quick-Connect Fitting", please click here.
OR, it should come with a set of accessory parts, which allows you to connect the faucet with the bare end of our outlet tubing. Please click here to see the example for your reference.
If the faucet does not meet one of these requirements, you will need to acquire a corresponding adapter, in order to complete the connection with the machine.

What does Pure to Drain Rate mean?

The reverse osmosis water filter relies on a semi-permeable membrane to filter out impurities from drinking water. When the tap water is compressed through the RO membrane, it produced pure water and waste water. The ratio of pure water to waste water is called wastewater ratio. 1:1 wastewater ratio means 1 gallon water is wasted per 1 gallon purified, and 2:1 wastewater ratio means 1 gallon water is wasted per 2 gallon purified. The higher the wastewater ratio is, the less waster water produced during the filtration process. During the use of RO water filter, the actual ratio might be lower than the labeled, depending on many factors such as water quality, pH, pressure and temperature.
more water filter choice
more water filter choice

Composite filter technology

  • The new composite filter technology employs an excellent filter combination to achieve more efficient filtration.
  • The composite water filters can effectively reduce most contaminants.
Composite filter technology
CF Filter and MRO Filter

Composite integrated filters

  • CF filter reduces rust, sediment, large particles, chlorine, taste and odor.
  • MRO filter effectively reduces most contaminants, such as chloramine, antibiotics, organic matter, heavy metals, nitrite, bacteria, and limescale. This reverse osmosis water filter improves the taste of water and provides purified water that is as fresh as spring water.

Reverse osmosis membrane

  • The reverse osmosis membrane has a pore size of 0.0001 μm, which is one-millionth of a strand of hair. Bacteria and viruses are 5,000 times larger than its pore size.
  • Therefore, only water molecules and some beneficial mineral ions can pass through the RO membrane. Heavy metals and other impurities are discharged from the waste water tubing.
  • The G2 RO membrane can reduce most harmful substances in water.
Reverse osmosis membrane
No-tank filter design

Innovative tankless design

  • The tankless reverse osmosis system ensures the safety of your family’s drinking water.
  • This compact RO system also saves over 70% more under-sink storage space as compared to traditional reverse osmosis water filter systems.
  • The tankless design avoids recontamination, such as bacterial growth.

Kind notice:

  • Please refer to this diagram and be informed that you need to drill a hole on your countertop to place the smart faucet (No need for this step if your countertop already has a hole).
  • Besides, an adapter will be installed on your household water tubing to connect to RO system’s wastewater tubing and input water tubing.
  • Electricity is required to run the RO system.
  • We do not recommend using well water as source for our RO systems. We do not recommend connecting tankless RO to a refrigerator or ice maker.
  • It's highly recommended to install our RO system with components provided by Waterdrop. Installing the system with any parts or accessories that are not provided by Waterdrop may cause the system to malfunction or shorten the lifetime of the system/filters.
Kind notice
No waiting for pure water

Fills a cup of water in 12 seconds

  • This G2 Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System offers a fast water flow rate of up to 400 GPD. Get a cup of filtered water in 12 seconds, satisfying your needs while saving time.
  • Compared t o the traditional RO water filter system, which only has continuous water flow during the first two minutes, Waterdrop reverse osmosis system always has a stable water flow.
Filtration system with automatic notification

Smart filter life reminder

  • 3 colors of lights show the status of water filters.
  • Blue means your water filters are functioning well.
  • Purple means you need to replace the water filter soon. You still have 15 days to replace it.
  • Red means you have to replace the water filter immediately.

Easy to install

  • Installing the Waterdrop G2 under sink water filtration system takes less than 30 minutes.
  • Due to the twist-and-pull design, you can replace the water filter in 3 seconds.
Easy to install
Less waste water

1:1 low drain ratio

  • All reverse osmosis water purification systems will produce concentrated water to discharge impurities.
  • Compared to traditional RO water purifiers, the G2 RO system produces less concentrated water and saves 300% more water.
  • You can collect concentrated water to mop the floor, wash your car, do laundry, etc.
Protects each baby's health
  • Newborns are very delicate. Compared to tap water, RO water is purer, cleaner and more suitable for babies. Milk powder made by RO water is easier to be absorbed.
RO system protects each baby's health
G2 RO Filtration System

G2 RO Filtration System


D4 RO Filtration System

G3 RO Filtration System

G3 RO Filtration System

G3P800 RO Filtration System

G3P800 RO Filtration System

D6 RO Filtration System

D6 RO Filtration System

G2P600 RO Filtration System

G2P600 RO Filtration System

Need Installation
Beneficial Minerals × × × × × ×
Flow Rate 400 GPD 400 GPD 400 GPD 800 GPD 600 GPD 600 GPD
Pure to Drain Rate
Drain ratio stands for the ratio of wastewater and purified water dispensed by a RO system. For example, the 3:1 drain ratio means it uses up a gallon of wastewater for every 3 gallons of pure water you get.
Pure to Drain Rate Pure to Drain Rate Pure to Drain Rate Pure to Drain Rate Pure to Drain Rate Pure to Drain Rate
Faucet Ordinary faucet Ordinary faucet Smart faucet Smart faucet Smart faucet Ordinary faucet
Display Filter lifespan Filter lifespan Filter lifespan & TDS Filter lifespan & TDS Filter lifespan & TDS Filter lifespan
Self-clean × ×
Holiday mode × × ×
Electricity Required
Filter Cartridges WD-G2CF






Noise(≤) 55dB 55dB 65dB 65dB 55dB 55dB
Filter Lifespan CF-12 Mths
MRO-24 Mths
12 Mths CF-6 Mths
CB-12 Mths
RO-24 Mths
CF-6 Mths
CB-12 Mths
RO-24 Mths
12 Mths CF-12 Mths
P6MRO-24 Mths
Dimensions(inch) 17.32*5.91*13.9 16.02*6.22*12.44 18.11*5.67*17.72 18.11*5.67*17.72 15.98*5.98*11.97 17.32*5.91*13.9



Filtration Media Sediment PP membrane and activated carbon block Reverse osmosis membrane and activated carbon block
Filter Lifespan 12 months or 1,100 gallons 24 months or 2,200 gallons
Size (Diameter * Height) 4.9" * 8.1" 4.9" * 15"
Compatible Model WD-G2-B/WD-G2-W/WD-G2P600-W/WD-G2MNR-W WD-G2-B/WD-G2-W/WD-G2MNR-W

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