Tanklose Umkehrosmoseanlage - Waterdrop G3 - Waterdrop Germany
Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System (4002533638226)
Tanklose Umkehrosmoseanlage - Waterdrop G3 - Waterdrop Germany

Tankless reverse osmosis system - Waterdrop G3

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Sale price €499,99 Regular price
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Tankless reverse osmosis system - Waterdrop G3

Regular price
Sale price €499,99 Regular price
 model number
 NSF 58 & 372 
 System cover: BPA-free plastic 
 metal + LED indicator light 
 RO filter
 reverse osmosis membrane 
 CB filter
 coal block 
 CF filter
 PP cotton & carbon block
length of the power cable
 90 inches 
 product dimensions
 18.11 x 5.67 x 17.73 inches 
 item weight
 15.44 pounds 
 Brushed nickel faucet 
 Remineral RO faucet
 brushed nickel 
 Included components
 System cover, brushed nickel faucet, RO filter, CF filter, CB filter, PE pipes *3 ( 60" ), T-piece, drain saddle, locking clamps, power adapter (main power cable 90", faucet power cable 59") 
 flow rate
 0.28 gallons per minute (GPM), 400 gallons per day (GPD) 
Indoor or outdoor use: For indoor use only
 power plug
 terms of use
 Ice machines, faucets, aquariums, mobile homes
 A power outlet is required to operate the RO system.
 reducing agent
 TDS, chlorine, taste and odor 
 harmful substances
 Chromium (hexavalent), chromium, iron oxide 
 heavy metals
 Lead, mercury, barium, copper, radium 226/228, aluminum
 Microorganic pollutants 
 Inorganic pollutants
 Arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds, fluoride
 Organic pollutants

what is the difference between Waterdrop and conventional RO systems?

Waterdrop RO system Traditional RO system
tankless construction
flow rate 400GPD 50GPD
Intelligent leak protection
3s filter change time
runoff ratio 1 : 1 1:3
Display of water quality in real time

What are reverse osmosis water systems?

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process in which a partially permeable membrane is used to filter out contaminants from drinking water. In reverse osmosis, the osmotic pressure is overcome with the help of a pressure, a colligative Property that is determined by chemical potential differences of the solvent, a thermodynamic Parameter, is conditioned. The result is that the dissolved substance on the side under pressure the membrane and the pure water passes to the other side. In order to be "selective" This membrane must not allow large molecules or ions to pass through the pores, but must allow filtered pure water to pass through unhindered.

How does a reverse osmosis system work?

In a reverse osmosis system, sediments and chlorine are removed from the water with a pre-filter before the water is pressed through a semi-permeable membrane to remove dissolved After the water has left the reverse osmosis membrane, it is passed through a post-filter to filter the drinking water before it reaches a tap.

Does the reverse osmosis water filter system produce waste water?

All RO systems produce concentrated water to remove impurities Compared to conventional RO water purifiers, the Waterdrop RO system produces less concentrated water and saves 300% more water. You can collect concentrated water to Mopping the floor, washing your car, doing laundry, etc.

What harmful substances can the Waterdrop reverse osmosis water filter system remove?

The Waterdrop reverse osmosis water filter system uses a advanced composite filter technology. Uses the properties of different filter materials and combines them to achieve better filtration. The composite filter can most harmful substances.
- TDS, chlorine, taste and odor.
- Harmful substances: Chromium (hexavalent), chromium, iron oxide.
- Heavy metals: lead, mercury, barium, copper, radium 226/228, Aluminum.
- Microorganic pollutants
- Microorganic pollutants
- Organic pollutants

Does the Waterdrop Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System require electricity?

The reverse osmosis system has a pump that requires electricity to generate a to ensure rapid water flow.

How do you install a reverse osmosis system?

Waterdrop RO systems are designed for self-installation. You can Install the system in 30 minutes. Just read the user manual and the instructional videos, or contact us by email, phone or live chat.
This video explains the installation of the Waterdrop RO system.

How often do I need to change the RO filter?

G3: The CF filter has a lifespan of 6 months, the CB filter a lifespan of 1 year and the RO filter a lifespan of 2 years. The Waterdrop G3 Reverse osmosis system features a smart faucet and filter life indicators that let you remind you to change the filter.

Does the reverse osmosis system make a loud noise?

The noise must not exceed 65 dB, which is is perceived as pleasant (65 dB is tested under standard laboratory conditions, where the Feed water pressure is between 14.5 psi and 87 psi. A loud noise can be caused by the following: caused by:
a. The system is not installed on a level surface. ensure that the system is installed evenly and without wobbling.
b. The system is placed against the cabinet. Do not place the system against the case. The system may vibrate when it is operating.
c. The water pressure is unstable. Check and confirm that the Water pressure is between 14.5 psi and 87 psi. The noise will be quieter when the water pressure is stable is.

Has this reverse osmosis water system been certified by NSF?

Yes, our reverse osmosis system has been tested by NSF International and certified. Here is the link for your reference.
Certified Reverse Osmosis System
NSF 58&372 certified
NSF 58&372 certified
  • The G3 reverse osmosis water filter system is tested and certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 58, so that after a complete flush over 90% of the TDS can be reduced; and according to According to NSF/ANSI Standard 372, lead-free materials are used in the G3 ro system.
8-stage deep filtration
  • effectively reduces all contaminants larger than 0.0001 micrometers, such as chlorine, Taste and odor, sand, rust, solids, TDS, limescale, heavy metals and others harmful contaminants. You can enjoy fresh, clean and safe drinking water, tea or Enjoy coffee with an improved taste.
8-stage deep filtration
Effective reduction of water hardness
Effective reduction of water hardness
  • With precise filtration, this reverse osmosis water filter system reduces magnesium and calcium in your tap water overall. This system not only extends the life of your water pipes, but also contributes to better and healthier skin.
Smart Screen Tap
  • The reverse osmosis water filter system is equipped with an intelligent display tap. The For example, the TDS monitor shows you the quality of your filtered water, while the Filter life tracker shows how soon you need to replace your filter, so you can now enjoy an improved water experience and a comfortable lifestyle.
Smart Screen Tap
Innovative tankless design
Innovative tankless design
  • The G3 ro water filter system uses advanced tankless technology to ensure safety of the water by preventing the growth of contaminants in the tank and thus preventing secondary contamination. A compact design also helps to save space under the sink to save.
Easy installation and replacement
  • The installation is so simple that it can be done without the help of a professional installer within 30 minutes. And the system filter can be changed in seconds without additional tools.
Easy installation and replacement
Fast water flow and low runoff ratio
Fast water flow and low runoff ratio
  • A fast water flow of 1500 liters/day covers the water needs of an entire family or a small business. At the same time, the low discharge rate of the system effectively saves waste of water and energy.
Pure Water without Waiting
  • The highly efficient pure water flow of 400 GPD allows you to fill a cup of water in just 12 seconds
  • Water flows faster than in ordinary RO systems.
  • No more waiting for crisp water. Immediate filtration, water is always fresh!
Automatic Flushing
  • To maintain and extend the life expectancy of the filters, the system will be automatically flushed for 20 seconds after working for two hours.
  • When power is restored after a blackout, the system will be forced to flush automatically for 20 seconds.
  • The system will ensure fresh water by flushing automatically every time you shut off the tap for 5 minutes
Holiday Mode
  • To ensure fresh and healthy filtered drinking water, the G3 Reverse Osmosis System is automatically flushed when no water is dispensed for 12 hours.
Kind notice
  • Please refer to this diagram and be informed that you need to drill a hole on your countertop place the smart faucet (No need for this step if your countertop already has a hole). Besides, an adapter will be installed on your household water tubing to connect to RO system's wastewater tubing and input water tubing.
  • Electricity is required to run the RO system.
  • We do not recommend using well water as source for our RO systems. We do not recommend connecting tankless RO to a refrigerator, ice maker or salt-based softener.
  • It's highly recommended to install our RO system with components provided by Waterdrop. Installing the system with any parts or accessories that are not provided by Waterdrop may cause the system to malfunction or shorten the lifetime of the system/filters.
A sip of nature doesn't cost much
  • The remineralization filter can connect to all types of under sink water filter systems. By Adding one filter, you can enjoy remineralization water with a refreshing taste. Please click here to purchase this add-on filter.

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